This past weekend, if you watched football, you would have seen two future hall of famers, maybe four. But especially Tom Brady and Drew Bree’s play an amazing game. These two gentleman are bending the rules when it comes to the average age of an NFL player. But what makes these two men so great?

I took some time to ponder this question and I believe the answer is valid for all aspects fo life, not just sports.

Both of these two quarterbacks have won the Super bowl, been to the pro bowl, and lead there teams to countless victories. Both these players have also seen their share of defeats and heartbreak.

So here are the common factors:

After a win, they did not rest on their laurels, they kept the pace up and continued to drive themselves and their teams forward.

After a loss, they did not frown upon it and keep them from performing the following week.

After making headlines, magazine covers, and winning the Super Bowl, they did not stop planning for the next victory.

We too can be like them. If you have a successful business trip or a great sales call, don’t stop, keep going.

If you lose your best client or the business trip did not go as planned. Don’t Stop keep going.

If you win presidents club and are the number one sales person for your organization, don’t stop keep going.

By now you should see a theme. All great leaders, regardless of the industry, did not stop.

They had their mission, their goals, their desires and they kept pushing until they got there. But, also, once achieved, they would set new goals, new missions, and new desires

When we start something, at least for me, I have grand ideas and plans on how to get to the end. But my plans rarely pan out as I have planned it. So, I take a page from the Tom Brady’s and the Drew Bree’s of the world. I keep going. If I get knocked down, I get back up. Remember a Knock down is not a knock out. Get up. Sometimes life will test you. Do you deserve what you are after? Prove to life that you are deserving.

When you haqve a victory, celebrate, it is well earned, but don’t rub it in people’s faces. Don’t rest on this victory, set another goal, another challenge, something else that makes you get up in the morning and move. Just like Tom did with Drew, they meet on the field after the game and conversed, I don’t know what they said, but from the video it looks like it was two friends talking about life. There was no hard feelings and no rubbing in your face scenarios.

SO chase your goals, get up if you get knocked down, and celebrate the wins, even the small ones. Be kind to others, and keep going!