We have all been there, we may be sitting at home getting ready to enjoy a relaxing evening when the phone or the doorbell rings.

The person on the other end of the line or the other side of the door are intruding into our free time. What is it that they want? Can they not see or know that I do not want to be bothered.

It is the common salesperson. I will admit there have been times in the past that I have not enjoyed this interruption. However, as I have aged I have come to realize that this person is doing something. They are working to earn an income to support themselves and perhaps others.

In the past I would chase them off and curse them for trying to sell me something I did not even know about. But now I usually give them the opportunity to pitch me, sometimes I will buy the item, if it is something I had planned on buying anyways. Other times I would provide feedback and provide them some additional words of encouragement.

Life can be hard but we do not need to be mean or rude to other people that are on a different path than us in life. Even though our time is precious and we should be strategic in how we spend it. Being rude and mean to someone who is taking our time is not the best approach. I believe we can also learn and get some value from these interruptions.

In the end be kind.