Think of where you want to be

James Allen has been credited with the paraphrased saying that we are where we are today because of our thoughts yesterday. Allen was saying basically that we go where our minds, or thoughts, take us. This is a powerful point in the fact that if you want to go somewhere specifically, all you have to do is start thinking about it all the time. The more you think about it the more you will start to process and gather data and other resources to get you there.

President Kennedy said he wanted a man to be on the moon by the end of the decade. Kennedy did not say how he should get there, what he should wear, or how he would get back. But he knew he wanted a man there. NASA jumped into high gear to make this statement, this vision a reality. And sure enough we landed a man on the moon and brought him back.

What are you thinking about today? Are these thoughts where you want to be in the future? If you are thinking about your current situation you will never get out of it, unless you like it. I have seen several times people that are in a negative situation who always talk about it, and always think about their current situation. They never speak of or think about their lives as if they were in a better place. Guess what happens to them? They never leave the situation. They are stuck there. I believe in Allen’s statement and how powerful it is. However, it can be difficult to think of the future and put yourself in a future tense. I believe this is difficult because realty is right here in front of you and it is hitting all your senses. The future is all mental. If you can be mentally tough you can make it through!

You can do it!

Think of the future!