Take Action


The average time I spent at a job or a company was about 2 years. I would usually quit once I was no longer interested in the job or I was no longer moving forward. By moving forward I mean I was not learning any more or I have gotten to the height of the position and there were no more opportunities to move up or forward.

Most of the time I did not have another job lined up. I would take the leap. I would leave as soon as I knew that I had hit the limit and I could not move any more. I would not wait for my attitude or performance to suffer and my boss would have ample reason to fire me. I would fire myself from the job first.

When I pushed for more initiative, for more change in the culture or the way we did things. Ways that I believed, if tested, would prove to be beneficial not only to us as a company but to our customers as well. When these things were not allowed.

Remember: we only have so much time on this earth, staying in a job that does not fulfill us is a waste of time. I have found from the numerous positions that I have had and fired myself from, is that each new position provided additional fulfilment than the job previously. I would move up the steps of fulfillment in each job. All the moves I made were up, even if I did not make a finical gain or a positon gain.

If I were to stay in these positions, regardless of how I felt, the company would suffer, my coworkers would suffer, the customers would suffer, and most importantly, I would suffer. I wanted to be in control of my life and not react to it. So I would fire myself.

If you are in a position right now that you are not getting fulfilled from, now is the time to take action, to take control of your life and leave. Les Brown is famous for saying, “Leap and the net will appear!”

Take that leap. But do it with class. Thank your employer for the opportunity to work there and be appreciative of the time. Move on and don’t look back!