100 Books a year

I had a goal. I knew it would be a stretch, but that was part of the motivation. I wanted to read 100 books in a year. That is close to 2 books a week. Could it be done? Yes, others have done it before. But I did not just want to read to read, […]

What would you do for free?

What would you do for Free? After high school I would travel the country and speak to high school and college students. The bulk of my speeches revolved around what the student wanted to do when they graduate. At the end of the presentation I would always have a line of students that would ask […]

Learn Something New

Learn Something New Many of us have been forced to stay home, others may be staying home by choice. Our daily lives are not the same. So what can you do while you are at home? Sure you can binge watch tv shows. Or watch a ton of movies. This may be entertaining but when […]