My Skiing Adventure

I recently had the opportunity to go to Big Sky Montana. If you have never been, put this place on your list of places to see. The landscape was breathe taking. I also understand that in the summer months the scenery is just as majestic. I, however, did not go to see the landscape, although […]

Going through the Motions

Going through the Motions The weather was cold, I was tired I did not want to do anything. It was a long day I worked longer than I expected, the traffic coming home was more congested than normal. I arrived home over an hour and half later than normal. I still had to prep dinner, […]

How do you develop Passion?

How do you develop Passion? Ever since I was a young kid I was told do something you are passionate about. At the time I didn’t even understand the word passion let alone know what its meaning is. I had asked what do you mean by passionate, I was told something that you love doing, […]