I Quit

I could not take it anymore. I the anxiety I would feel on a daily bases, the gurgling in my stomach, the stress. So, I quit!  I quit the game that I grew up loving. And I quit right before my senior year. At the time I did not know what I know now, but […]

Unwanted Solicitations

We have all been there, we may be sitting at home getting ready to enjoy a relaxing evening when the phone or the doorbell rings. The person on the other end of the line or the other side of the door are intruding into our free time. What is it that they want? Can they […]

Be Prepared

This is the motto of the Boy Scouts of America. Even if you were not in Scouts you have probably heard of this before. So how far does one need to go to be prepared? How do you know if you are prepared enough? These questions and more have probably came up this week as […]

My Skiing Adventure

I recently had the opportunity to go to Big Sky Montana. If you have never been, put this place on your list of places to see. The landscape was breathe taking. I also understand that in the summer months the scenery is just as majestic. I, however, did not go to see the landscape, although […]

Why are leaders Great?

This past weekend, if you watched football, you would have seen two future hall of famers, maybe four. But especially Tom Brady and Drew Bree’s play an amazing game. These two gentleman are bending the rules when it comes to the average age of an NFL player. But what makes these two men so great? […]

Stay the Course

Lately I decided to lose some weight, my ultimate goal is to not find it again. Although this, at times, is harder than it seems. Especially since I have a love for food. So I started my journey as my wife and I were preparing for an upcoming trip. I just came from the doctors […]

Run your Race

I was the fastest kid in school, no one could be beat. We would race before school, after school, during lunch, and recess. I loved running. More though, I loved winning. Thinking that I was so good, I decided to run track. For the first few weeks, it was just conditioning and practice. No races. […]

Be Consistent

When I was younger I played little league baseball. Every day at practice the coach started us off by having us throw the ball to each other, back and forth. This severed two purpose. One was obvious at the time, to warm us up. The other, not so much. The other reason was to build […]

Giving advice

Don’t you just love it when you are talking to a friend and a stranger interjects with their advice? I was talking to a friend the other day when someone next to us interjected and told us what they would do in my situation. I was shocked as this person did not know the whole […]

100 Books a year

I had a goal. I knew it would be a stretch, but that was part of the motivation. I wanted to read 100 books in a year. That is close to 2 books a week. Could it be done? Yes, others have done it before. But I did not just want to read to read, […]