I Earned the Right to Play

We all go through peer pressure when we are young, and I it does not stop when you get older. However, I believe the older you get the wiser you become, and the less likely you will succumb to peer pressure, but it can still happen.

In my first year of playing football, I was the new kid, practically everyone on the team played together for years. They knew each other and they liked each other. Being the new person, I had to earn my spot as there was no history of my experience or my skill. Honestly, being new to the game I had to skill or experience. But I had heart, in most cases that will win over the former any day. The first game I was on the second string offense and defense. I did get to play, as it was mandated by league rules, however, I did not play much.

I did not give up though, every day in practice I gave it my all, after practice I would study the play book, and I would walk through the plays on my own. I was not only getting physically stronger but mentally as well.

For the next game, I was once again on the second string team. But this time, when it was my turn to play, I played. I put everything I had in to. I would push when I needed to push, tackle when I needed to tackle, and run when I needed to run. Apparently the coaches saw this too, as I played more this game than the last. Come practice on Monday I was moved up to the first team. I earned my spot.

However, the older team mates did not see it that way. They would come up to me and tell me that it would be better if so and so would play in my spot. The team would do better if so and so was playing on the first string team and not you. They would suggest that I tell the coaches that I should be on the second team.

I don’t know why, I guess it was the fact that I wanted to fit in, so I went to the coach and asked that they put so and so on the first team instead of me. The coach looked at me with disgust. And this is where everything hit me. The coach pulled me aside and asked, “James did you not earn this position?” I shrugged my shoulders suggesting that I did not know. The coach then said. “James if so and so should be on the first string, then he should have busted his ass day in and day out, just like you did. He should have played his heart out, just like you did. Why should you give up your spot that you earned?

These questions resonated with me. The coach was right, I earned the spot, and however my desire to fit it was stronger. I was nervous to approach my team mates, but I had a plan. When they asked, I told them that I asked the coach to put me on the second team. They said what did he say, I said he said he would think about it and make his decision later this week. I already knew the decision, but atleast it took the pressure off of me.

For the rest of the week, I practiced harder, I want to leave no doubt that the coach was making the right decision in keeping my on the starting team. I also, wanted to prove to my team mates that I deserved to be on the starting team.

On Friday, when the coach gave the assignments. He placed me on the starting rooster, when he called my name he looked at me and then to the other boys. Giving them that look that he knew what they were doing.

I continued to play the rest of the season starting, both on offense and defense. I was never asked by my teammates again to give up my spot. I learned a lot this season, but most importantly I learned that you need to keep what you have earned, forget about the peer pressure, it will always be there, regardless of what you do or don’t do. But you should not give in to something and deprive yourself of something you have worked hard for. I did not mention the names of the team mates in this story, because I do not remember their names, I do remember how I was treated. I often think, what if the coach granted my request, and I did sit the bench, not only would I have not enjoyed the season, but these team mates that I would have given that all up for, were not even important enough now for me to remember their names.

Now think about that next time you are under some peer pressure. What will you remember in the future, the peers, or how you felt and what you did or did not do? Most likely it will be the feelings and the actions. So choose wisely!