Going through the Motions

The weather was cold, I was tired I did not want to do anything. It was a long day I worked longer than I expected, the traffic coming home was more congested than normal. I arrived home over an hour and half later than normal. I still had to prep dinner, plan for the next day, and get my clothes ready. I did not want to write. Honestly, I did not want to do anything. I wanted to stop by and get take out, eat, and go to bed. But I didn’t.

I was told long ago that even when you do not feel like doing it, do it. Go through the motions. Even if you do not put in 100% effort and try to push the envelope. It is better to at least go through the motion than to do nothing at all.

It is said that in order to gain you have to continue to stretch and push yourself, however, if you take a day off, you can lose up to 50% of what you have gained over the last few days. Now, if you just go through the motions, you will maintain the gains. This means you will not lose anything. You also will not gain, but it is better than losing what you have gained.

Once I got home, I went to my room and changed my clothes, and put on my gym clothes and I left for the gym.

When I got to the gym, I was still not feeling it. My friend told me to not worry about it, but he insisted that I at least go through the motions.

I did just that, I did not hit any personal bests, but I did lift the weights.

When I was done with the workout I felt ok. I know I felt better than if I did nothing at all.

I later read that the gains we make in the gym can be easily wiped out by missing a workout. By going through the motions you prevent the decay, you may not grow, but at least you get to keep the gains you made previously.

This same principle can be used in other areas of life. In work, in relationships, and in everyday living. You may be on a diet and not feel like sticking to the meal plan, instead of going off the plan, go through the motions. Eat the bits and pieces that you do like, don’t worry about making a full meal, but stay with the motions. Going off track will negate the progress you have made.

In work, you may be working on a project for weeks, and have a pressing deadline. One day you are exhausted and don’t feel like working. Instead of not doing anything, and instead of pushing through the lack of desire, go through the motions. Read over what you have done, look at the project from a higher level view. Go through the motions. Keep the progress you have made and get ready for the next day.

So if you are feeling sluggish, tired, not wanting to get out of bed to hit the gym or run. Get up and go through the motions. Save the gains!