Give your Support!

One memorable moment was during one of my English classes. We just finished watching a film about importing and exporting goods, the use of cheap labor in foreign countries, and many US companies capitalizing on this.

The whole class was centered on film, how they were written, how they were produced, and how did the audience perceive the work. Everyone was split up into groups, each group was responsible for an assigned film.

After each film the group assigned to it provided greater insight through their presentation. They would ask questions and receive questions. We would then be given a test on the film and the presentation.

On this particular film, the instructor decided to interject questions of her own. I am thinking, perhaps the groups questions were not good enough. One of the questions asked by the instructor dealt with tax breaks and marketing in foreign countries.

I was called upon and provided my thoughts with reasons behind. The instructor started to attack my statement and interjected her hypotheses and beliefs on what will happen with the tax breaks. I argued back on the premise of her question, it did not ask about the potential hazards, the question was framed more on nonresponsive approach and if you supported the stance or not. We were not asked to follow up and provide guidance on what we would believe would happen, or if the approach would be exploited to the profit of these companies.

The instructor and I continued our back and forth for some time. She finally understood my point in regards to the question and the discussion was over.

After class several of my classmates approached me and said that they agreed with what I said. I told them I appreciated their sentiment, however, the time I needed their support was during the argument, not afterwards.

This event has stayed with me, not because of the educational debate between me and the instructor but for the lack of support from my classmates who said they supported my stance. I understand that most people are afraid to pick a side, as they may not want to pick the “wrong” side. However, what happens to the “right” side if it does not get enough support in that it needs in the beginning?

I have seen many times over that the crucial time for support for any cause is usually in the beginning, where there is no momentum. It is during this time that the leaders and organizers still may be questioning themselves if they are going in the right direction. If you feel strong about a movement, an idea, or a person, but may be hesitant to voice your support, don’t. Your support may be the extra boost that the organizers need to keep going.