Dropping Weight

We have all heard of New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Some wrestlers and boxers have been heard saying they have to drop weight too.

Well the weight I am talking about dropping is not the weight you carry around you. But the weight of others. Look at your friends, your coworkers, even your family. Are they helping you move forward or are they holding you back?

If they are holding you back then they are dead weight, you will need to drop them. I know from personal experience it is hard to let friends go, you have invested a lot time with them and you may have gone through some difficult times together. But if they are holding you back, preventing you from being the best you, you can be, then you will have to let them go. You can have a talk with them, or you can slowly start to separate and distance yourself from them.

I recommend you have the talk with them, they may not know they are holding you back, after all, if they are a true friend, they may want to know this, and they may change who they are. They can go from dead weight to your biggest motivator.

How often should you check your weight? Well if it were for health reasons we would check our physical weight weekly if not daily. I don’t recommend that you check your relationship weight daily, but you should check as often as you feel you are not going as fast as you should. This could be weekly, monthly, or yearly. I would suggest at the very least that you check your relationships yearly. Purge if you must but make sure you are not carrying dead weight.