How do you develop Passion?

Ever since I was a young kid I was told do something you are passionate about. At the time I didn’t even understand the word passion let alone know what its meaning is. I had asked what do you mean by passionate, I was told something that you love doing, something that you don’t get bored at easily, something that keeps you up at night, something that wakes you early in the morning.

Well, since I was just a kid, and I did not have a lot of life lessons or exposure to different things, the only thing I could think of at the time was video games. I could play those for hours. I would stay up late, I would get up early. I truly loved these things. Video games helped me understand passion, but I later learned that the question asked was not dealing with an activity but for a vocation or career.

Sure, you could have a career in video games, at that time it was limited to programing or testing. We did not have E Sports like we do now. Even if we did, if my feelings towards video games now manifested then, I would not be interested in playing video games all the time.

Life continued to move on and I would dabble here and there. I would take different subjects in school, listen to different speakers, and talk to different people who were in professions that I was interested in. Was I passionate about any of these, no? In fact I was still trying to get the feeling I got when I played video games.

At least I had a gauge I could use to determine what passion is. Some people do not have a gauge, in fact some are still wondering what passion feels like. And there are a few that leave this world not even knowing.

We are in an environment now were we can get up and leave a profession, a job, or a relationship to find our passion. We can experiment and learn from others. Sadly, a lot of people do not. They will get on a path and stay, happy or not. Is this what life is for? I don’t think so.

I believe we were put on this earth to enjoy each day, to thrive, not survive. We may not have the guides, but that does not mean they are not there. We have to be brave and be willing to take a chance, be willing to ask questions, be willing to ask for a guide. We can do and be whatever we want to be. But, I will encourage you to chase, and find what you are passionate about. If you are having a hard time understanding or feeling the passion. Experiment, play games, talk to people, watch movies. What activities or events keep drawing you towards them, what types of events keep you up at night to where you cannot wait for the next day to come? Take note and continue to move in that direction. That is your passion. That, quite possibly is the reason why you are here.


If you have found your passion, congrats! Be a guide for those that are lost.

If you are still searching, find a guide, experiment, but don’t stop until you find your passion. You can do it!