How do you get to where you want to go when there is no direction?

I was stuck, I did not like where I was. The problem was not only where I was located I had no idea where I wanted to go. I was afraid of moving in any direction because I did not want to go backwards, and have to come through where I am at again.

This problem I faced is seen by countless others. So what did I do, and what can you do to move when you don’t know where you are going?

The first thing I did was use one of Tim Ferriss’ techniques. Think of the worst case scenario. In the above situation I did not want to go backwards and then have to cross my path again, worst case. Tim suggests you think of this possibility and see what you can do or could do if it happens. He also suggests that you think about this possibility and would it harm you or other bad possibility. Tim also has you work through what you could do if you are in that situation. For me, it would be for me to swallow my pride and go back to work at the same location. Could I live with this, yes. Would I want to live with this, no, but I could survive and if I had to pay bills and eat, I would do it.

The next step would be to just move and see where it takes you. You do not have to take big steps or multiple steps but you do have to move. I did just that. I started to look for jobs in other fields, I didn’t have an idea of exactly what I wanted, and I just knew I did not want to be where I was at. I ended up taken a few jobs that seemed interesting on the front side, but really did not fulfill my desire, I was still lost. It was ok though, I learned a quick lesson and the stress of my venturing out on to another job was easy. I kept on applying for multiple jobs. After several interviews, several offers, and several trial runs. I finally found what I was looking for.

The small lessons learned where this:

If you know you don’t like where you are, but don’t know where you want to go. Move, take action and get your feelers out there. But first, role play the worst case scenario in your head. In most cases, I will bet that you will be ok if the worst case scenario took place. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you paralyzed in a place that does not make you happy.