It is hard to lead, the tone, the attitude, the direction all falls on your shoulders. However, you must carry this burden, you have a team of individuals that are looking up to you, following you, and waiting your directions.

As a leader of a company you have to set the tone. By doing so there may be many sacrifices in your life that you will have to give up. For some you may need to get up at 4 in the morning. This early rising may allow you to hit the gym, meditate, and center yourself to tackle the day. The early mornings may require you to go to bed early as well. Going to bed early you may give up watching certain shows, attending certain events that may go past your bed time.

Other aspects of tone setting could be simple as showing up early, if not on time. Picking up trash or some other task that “you pay” other to do. Showing you care about your team and your surroundings. You may have to lend an ear to a team member who just wants you to listen. You may be forced to attend certain events that are out of your comfort zone. All of the above and more are part of your job, part of your duty as a leader.

Additional responsibilities include motivating and encouraging you team to expand their personal envelope and do more and become more.

The sacrifices you make will not go unnoticed. As leader of the team you will be rewarded greatly as your discipline and sacrifices pay off. Your pay day will be the accumulation of growth, learning, physical, and financial gain. Some leaders are able to develop their team in such a way that at some point, the leader can slowly walk away and start on another project.

It is hard, but I believe it is so worth it.