
The clip above from Over the Hedge reminds me that evbything never goes according to plan. As you can see in the video the plan was throughly thought out, everyone was on board. The outcomes were predicted, and the results estimated. 

When the team put the plan into action, everything seemed to go according to plan. Then there was an planned activity. The plan got thrown out of whack and failure become more imminent. However, the team had a bunch of go getters with a we will not lose attitude. They pivoted, they improvised and they executed with new activities. The goal remained the same, but how they got there changed. 

The same is true in our lives, we can spend hours, weeks, if not years planning for something. But, as in this clip, there will always be variables that we do not plan for. We have to be able to pivot, introduce new team members, or new activities, so that we can still accomplish the goal. 

In short, do not get caught up in the planning, focus on the goal, and do not let anything get in your way.